St. Anthony Of Padua Parish


Adult Faith Formation

What is Adult Faith Formation?

We are probably all familiar with the terms, “adult education”, “community”, “service and justice”, and “prayer”.  What we often neglect is how integral all these things are to living and growing as an adult Catholic in the world today.

Adult Faith Formation should speak to our heart, our mind, our soul, and our body.  It is an integrated understanding of who we are as beloved children of God, who are continually urged to know, love, and serve God more fully.

The United States Council of Catholic Bishops describes Adult Faith Formation as an essential process inviting Catholic Christians to integrate their own life experiences with knowledge of the faith, love of God, and love of neighbor.  It is a complete initiation into the life of the Church as a way of forming a Christian conscience and a desire to act as Christ’s hands and feet in the world.

At St. Anthony Parish we hope to offer experiences, communities, and opportunities for us all to:

  • grow in relationship with God
  • acknowledge our call to universal holiness
  • act as disciples to the mission of the Church in the world.

We hope to offer bible studies, lecture series, communal prayer, retreats, and opportunities to live our faith through acts of charity and justice.

If you would like to learn more about what Catholics hold and believe as true, the following catechetical references are recommended:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church – The universal catechism of the Church conveys the essential and fundamental content of Catholic faith and morals in a complete way.

The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults – This guide aims to assist individuals and small groups in deepening their faith.


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